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Friday 17 August 2012

Vw split screen front seats

Hi all here is a few seats I've just re upholstered ..This shows the process from strip down to completed seats, if you have any questions or you would like a quote please feel free to contact me on my email : or my telephone number : 07794978914 thanks Colin.

Well you can the seats and how they started, the process is to remove from the bus then strip down to the frames

Here is the seat base striped down and ready for any repairs then cleaning and painting. this process is the same for any seats from bay window, beetle and split screen.

 Here we have both seats repaired and painted and ready for the rebuild process .

A close up photo showing the new pads fitted, these are a very close copy of the originals. We always replace these because they make such a difference to the comfort of the seat.

This is the double seat all ready for the new covers cool.


A cutting table all laid out and I use pre cut patterns for these seats, the two tone vinyl.


Here is the seat cover all cut sewn and ready to be fitted to the base , not the tuck and roll a very classic look.

The finished item, its taken two days hard work to get to this stage but well worth the hard work.


Here you can see  a double seat going on, the seat has been trial fitted to make sure there is no adjustments needed  , this one fitted great and now on the home straight.

The finished seat, love the clean lines and tight fit, you can now see were it is so important to go through this process .


        The double seat all finished and ready to be fitted to the bus.

There you have it a small selection of photos showing 
 the process , I think the seats make such a impact on the over all look of any bus or beetle its worth getting this right.
If you need any free advice or help give me a call on : 07794978914
 I be glade to help and also i can give you a free quote for any upholstery work,
Thanks  Colin